Fragmenta de viribus

Fragmenta de viribus is a homeopathic reference book published in Leipsic in 1805. The book was written by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Latin, in two small volumes, with the full title Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum: positivis sive in sano corpore humano observatis (Fragments connecting the positive powers of medicines on healthy persons). The first part is an index of symptoms caused by 27 different drugs, and the second part is a list of remedies.[1][2]


  1. ^ Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Review of Fragmenta de viribus of Hahnemann, Vol. 5, July 1809, pp.374-379
  2. ^ The Medical Quarterly Review, Review of the Fragmenta de viribus of Hahnemann, (English translation by Dr FHH Quin, 1834, London), Vol. III, October 1835, pp.149-151

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